LGTM Full Form – Looks Good To Me

LGTM stands for Look Good To Me. It is a term related to Miscellaneous and Chat & Messaging, Useful Terms and Definitions which we use in daily life but we do not know their full name, Here’s a list of important abbreviations that you should know.

AcronymFull Form
LGTMLook Good To Me
CategoryChat & Messaging

What is full form of LGTM?

The full form of LGTM is the Look Good To Me. The abbreviation LGTM is typically used after revising someone else’s work (e.g., an official email or essay). LGTM is offered as a warranty but does not imply full endorsement. LGTM carries with it a connotation like “I’m not an expert, but I seem okay” or “I seem okay on a cursory glance”

Here you learn the full name and complete information of Look Good To Me, if you have questions and answers related to LGTM, then tell us your thoughts in the comment, know the complete meaning of LGTM in this article.

When do you use LGTM in an email?

The abbreviation LGTM is typically used after revising someone else’s work (e.g., an official email or essay). LGTM is offered as a warranty but does not imply full endorsement. LGTM carries the connotation of “I’m not an expert, but it seems okay” or “Seems okay on a cursory glance.”

What’s the difference between LGTM and caveated endorsement?

The abbreviation LGTM is typically used after revising someone else’s work (e.g., an official email or essay). LGTM is offered as a warranty but does not imply full endorsement. LGTM carries the connotation of “I’m not an expert, but it seems okay” or “Seems okay on a cursory glance.” LGTM is a proprietary endorsement.

What kind of oil is in SKF LGMT 2?

SKF LGMT 2 is a mineral oil based lithium soap grease with excellent thermal stability over the operating temperature range. This premium performance general purpose grease is suitable for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications. +50 max (max 325)


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