Full Form of GMAT
The full form of GMAT is the Graduate Management Admission Test.
GMAT | Graduate Management Admission Test |
Category | Exam |
Region | Global |
What is GMAT
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a multiple choice, computer-based test that measures verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills. GMAT measures the student’s aptitude for business studies. Business schools use this test as an admission criterion for graduate programs in business administration.It is required for admission to graduate business programs (MBA) globally.
Different GMAT sections
Writing Analytical Assessment (AWA) Section:This section of the test helps business schools analyze your writing skills. It consists of an essay question and is scored using a computer scoring system and human raters. The duration to complete the AWA section is 30 minutes.
Integrated Reasoning Section (IR):This section of the test consists of data presented in graphs, tables, passages, or a combination of all three. There are four types of questions presented in this section: multi-source reasoning, two-part analysis, graphical interpretation, and table analysis.This section measures your ability to evaluate information presented in multiple formats. You must answer 12 multiple-choice questions in 30 minutes.
Quantitative section:The Quant section is designed to test your analytical knowledge of basic mathematical concepts, including geometry, arithmetic, and geometry.The Quant section includes 31 multiple-choice questions that must be completed in 62 minutes. You have two types of questions: data sufficiency and problem solving.
Verbal section:The Verbal section assesses your command of standard written English, your ability to critically read and analyze arguments. It consists of 36 multiple-choice questions that must be completed in 65 minutes.Verbal GMAT includes three types of questions: critical thinking, reading comprehension, and sentence correction.
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