The full form of CMR is Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), sometimes known as cardiac MRI, is a medical imaging technology for the non-invasive assessment of the function and structure of the cardiovascular system.
Know what is the full form of CMR, how it works, complete information in easy words. There are many meanings and full forms of CMR, which you will know here.
To understand the meaning of CMR, you have to read this article till the end, so that you will get to learn all the information about CMR.
What does CMR Stand for:
It is derived from and based on the same basic principles as magnetic resonance imaging, but optimized for use in the cardiovascular system. These optimizations are primarily found in the use of ECG triggering and fast imaging techniques or sequences.
By combining a variety of such techniques in protocols, the key functional and morphological characteristics of the cardiovascular system can be assessed.
Using CMR in place of other non-invasive imaging techniques means more definitive, relevant and actionable answers will be obtained because a CMR exam provides comprehensive information and has superior diagnostic and prognostic power, without the need for radiation.
In addition, there are CMR-only capabilities including virtual heart biopsy, high-resolution perfusion imaging, and advanced blood flow analysis.
What Is the Full Form of CMR?
Definition: | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance |
Region: | Worldwide |
Category: | General |
What is the Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance?
Term | Definition | Category |
CMR | Centro Médico Reforma | Medical |
CMR | Container Managed Relation | Computing |
CMR | Clear Master Relay | International Business |
CMR | Houssen airport | Regional Airport Code |
CMR | Configuration Management Regulation | Space Science |
CMR | Colin McRae Rally | Other |
CMR | Common Mode Rejection | Electronics |
CMR | contract management review | Government |
CMR | Claims Management Resources | Business Management |
CMR | child mortality rate | British Medicine |
CMR | Contractor Management Reserve | Military |
CMR | Care Management Resources | Business Management |
CMR | Communications Resource Manager | Computing |
CMR | Certified Marketing Representative | Business Position |
CMR | Civil Military Relations | Military |
CMR | Certified Medical Representative | Business Position |
CMR | Customer Managed Relationships | Business |
CMR | Center for Military Readiness | Non-Profit Organization |
CMR | Comprehensive Microbial Resource | Other |
CMR | Compact Measurement Record | Architecture |
CMR | Christodoulou Meeting Room | Library |
CMR | Common Mode Range | Electronics |
CMR | Cancel Move Request | Military |
CMR | country management review, 5 | Government |
CMR | Canadian Military Rifle | Military |
CMR | Code Of Mass Regulation | US Government |
CMR | Center for Music Research | University |
CMR | Certificate of Maintenance Review | Certifications |
CMR | Centre Metier Ruraux | French |
CMR | Communications Management Resources | Business |
CMR | CHAMROLA | Indian Railway Station |
CMR | Cameroon | Countries |
CMR | communications monitoring report | Government |
CMR | Cache Miss Ratio | Computing |
CMR | California Management Review | Business Management |
CMR | Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulations | Local State |
CMR | Compass Resources NL | ASX Symbols |
CMR | Council-certified Microbial Remediator | Job Title |
CMR | Cargo Movement Requirement | Military |
CMR | Center Materials Representative | Space Science |
CMR | Critical Message Rate | Networking |
CMR | Command Routing (table) | Military |
CMR | common-mode rejection | Government |
CMR | Convention Management Resources | Business Management |
CMR | Colmar | Airport Code |
CMR | Code Of Massachusetts Regulations | Law |
CMR | Consolidated Memorandum Receipt | Military and Defence |
- CMR acronym meaning?
- Full Details of CMR?
- Full Name of CMR?
- Is it acronym or abbreviation?
- Expand full form of CMR
What is Meaning of CMR?
The meaning of the CMR was also explained above. So far, you might have some idea about the acronym, abbreviation, or meaning of CMR. What does CMR mean? explained above.
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