AM and PM Full Form – Ante-Meridiem and Post Meridiem

AM and PM stands for Anti Meridiem and Post Meridiem. It is a term related to Language, Useful Terms and Definitions which we use in daily life but we do not know their full name meaning, Here’s a list of important abbreviations that you should know.

TermFull Form
AM and PMAnti Meridiem and Post Meridiem
AM and PM Full Form

Full Form of AM and PM

The full form of AM and PM is the Anti Meridiem and Post Meridiem. These are used to differentiate between day and night time in a 12-hour time zone. They divide the 24 hours of a day into two time zones, each lasting 12 hours.

  • The first 12-hour period runs from midnight to noon (12 a.m. to 12 noon) and is designated as noon.
  • The second 12-hour period runs from noon to midnight (12 noon to 12 noon) and is scheduled until noon.

Therefore, the numbers 1 to 12 are followed by morning or noon used to identify all 24 hours of the 12-hour clock system.

For example: If I say that I will come at 6, it can be confusing whether it is 6 in the morning or 6 in the evening. Thus, to remove this confusion AM and PM Pm are used in the 12 hour clock system. Accordingly, 6 a.m. is early morning and 6 p.m. is late.

AM PM Full Form

Here you learn the full name and complete information of Anti Meridiem and Post Meridiem, if you have questions and answers related to AM and PM, then tell us your thoughts in the comment, know the complete meaning of AM and PM in this article.

What is PM in time?

It represents the time from noon to just before midnight. (12 PM to 11:59 PM). For example: If you say that you have to have dinner at 10 pm, it means that at 10 pm.

What is AM in time?

It represents the time from midnight to noon. (12:00 AM to 11:59 AM). For example: If you say that you have to go to college at 10 in the morning, it means that at 10 in the morning.

What do AM and PM mean?

From the Latin words meridis (afternoon), ante (before) and post (after), the words ante meridiem (AM) mean before noon and post meridiem (PM) meaning after noon.

Is it PM or AM in the morning?

“AM” and “PM” are both abbreviations of Latin words and refer to a specific time of day: AM (east meridian) means “before noon”, so it refers to the morning. PM (post meridiem) means “after noon”, so it refers to any time after noon.

What is AM PM in India?

They are also denoted as AM. and PM AM expands as Anti Meridiem which means “before noon” and PM expands as Post Meridiem which means “after noon”. These are used to differentiate between day and night time in a 12-hour time zone.


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