APS Full Form – American Physical Society

APS stands for American Physical Society. It is a term related to Organization, Useful Terms and Definitions which we use in daily life but we do not know their full name, Here’s a list of important abbreviations that you should know.

AcronymFull Form
APSAmerican Physical Society
RegionUnited States America

What is full form of APS?

The full form of APS is the American Physical Society. The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit membership organization of professionals in physics and related disciplines, comprising nearly fifty divisions, sections, and other units. Its mission is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge of physics.

The society publishes more than a dozen scientific journals, including the prestigious Physical Review and Physical Review Letters, and organizes more than twenty scientific meetings each year. APS is a member society of the American Institute of Physics. Since February 2015, the organization has been led by CEO Kate Kirby.

Here you learn the full name and complete information of American Physical Society, if you have questions and answers related to APS, then tell us your thoughts in the comment, know the complete meaning of APS in this article.

What does the American Physical Society do?

About APS. The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit organization that works to promote and disseminate knowledge of physics through its leading research journals, scientific meetings, and international education, outreach, advocacy, and activities.

How can you become a member of the American Physical Society?

Membership is free for the first year for students in graduate and undergraduate programs in physics, related sciences, and engineering. Students have access to APS chapters and forums to connect with scientists in their local communities and interact with colleagues with similar interests.

What is physical society?

A Physical Society is a professional organization or scientific society of physicists and may refer to: American Physical Society. Austrian Physical Society. Belgian Physical Society. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (German Physical Society)

Is APS free?

To become a member of APS through SPS, you must choose APS as your free membership society when you join SPS and each time you renew your SPS membership. SPS members in the US pay dues of $ 24.00; Members with addresses outside of the US pay $ 30.00.


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