RFO stands for Range Forest Officer. It is a term related to Titles, Useful Terms and Definitions which we use in daily life but we do not know their full name meaning, Here’s a list of important abbreviations that you should know.
Term | Full Form |
RFO | Range Forest Officer |
Category | Job title |
Region | India |

Full Form of RFO
The full form of RFO is the Range Forest Officer.
Range Forest Officer / Ranger / Circle Forest Officer (Hindi: वन क्षेत्र अधिकारी) is an officer for a State Forest Service (SFS) in the Government of India. In some states, they also are referred to as a “Forest Range Officer.”
Range Forest Officer is a Gazetted officer. They wear a prescribed khaki uniform which has 3 three (five pointed) stars on shoulder without any stripes.
RFO is an uniform police officer for forest conservation.
Here you learn the full name and complete information of Range Forest Officer, if you have questions and answers related to RFO, then tell us your thoughts in the comment, know the complete meaning of RFO in this article.
RFO Training
RFOs are invariably trained in forestry and allied subjects in forest academies or forest rangers colleges established and administered by the Government of India or the State Government, as the case may be.
The training course of Forest Range Officers is prescribed by the Government of India. The training duration is of 18 months which includes about 19 subjects related to forestry, Biodiversity etc. It also includes 6 months all India tour.
It is a ceartment of Forestry Education (DFE) runs 3 training institutes in Assam, Uttarakhand and Tamil Nadu for both ACF and FRO and one institution exclusively for FRO training in West Bengal. Many states also having their own institutions under the strict supervision of DFE.
RFO Accountability
Range Forest officers are responsible for the forests, environment and wildlife-related issues of a Forest Range within a state or union territory of India. He or she is responsible for the execution of all works in the Range, with the help of subordinates:
- Deputy Forest Rangers (also known as Forest inspector)
- Section Forest Officers (also known as Forester or Van Daroga)
- Beat Forest Officers (In the rank of Forester 1)
- Forest Guards
- Forest workers/ watchers
Term | Definition | Category |
RFO | Royal Flying Officer | Military and Defence |
RFO | Reason For Outage | Computing |
RFO | Reseau France Outre-Mer | Media |
RFO | Robert Ferguson Observatory | Astronomy |
RFO | Radio Free Oz | Media |
RFO | Roxette Fan Organization | Funny |
RFO | Remote Foreign Office | Computer and Networking |
RFO | Request For Offer | US Government |
RFO | request for orders | Government |
RFO | Raven Fox Organization | Funny |
RFO | Residual fuel oil | Other |
RFO | Read For Ownership | Law |
RFO | Regional Framework Operative | Networking |
RFO | Ready for Occupancy | Real Estate |
RFO | Rocky Flats Office | Meteorology |
RFO | Responsible Facility Official | NASA |
RFO | Request for Order | Space Science |
RFO | Request For Opinion | Law |
RFO | Radio Frequency Oscillator | Radio Science |
RFO | Restricted Flow Orifice | Electronics |
RFO | Research Facilitation Office | Space Science |
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