BBC Full Form – What is British Broadcasting Corporation?

BBC stands for British broadcasting corporation. It is a term related to News & Entertainment and TV & Radio, Useful Terms and Definitions which we use in daily life but we do not know their full name, Here’s a list of important abbreviations that you should know.

AcronymFull Form
BBCBritish broadcasting corporation
Category TV & Radio

What is full form of BBC?

The full form of BBC is the British broadcasting corporation. The BBC is one of the largest television networks in various countries around the world that broadcasts news. They also broadcast messages in several local languages ​​in addition to their primary language, English. The headquarters are in London, Broadcasting House

Here you learn the full name and complete information of British broadcasting corporation, if you have questions and answers related to BBC, then tell us your thoughts in the comment, know the complete meaning of BBC in this article.

Which is the full form of the BBC?

What is the full form of the BBC? The full form of the BBC is British Broadcasting Corporation. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is one of the largest broadcasting networks in the world. The BBC is also the world’s oldest broadcasting organization and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees.

Where does the BBC get its name from?

BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation. It is one of the largest broadcasting networks in the world. It is a publicly funded system operating under a royal statute. Its headquarters are at Broadcasting House in London. In Great Britain, until 1954 it had a monopoly on television, and until 1972 on radio.

Where is the British Broadcasting Corporation located in the UK?

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), originally British Broadcasting Company, is a UK public broadcaster based at Broadcasting House in London, UK. “BBC”.


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