Full Form of ASCII
The full form of ASCII is the American Standard Code For Information Interchange.
ASCII | American Standard Code Information Interchange |
Category | Specifications & Standards |
Region | Global |

What is ASCII
ASCII, abbreviation of American Standard Code For Information Interchange, a standard data-transmission code that is used by smaller and less-powerful computers to represent both textual data (letters, numbers, and punctuation marks) and noninput-device commands (control characters).
History of ASCII
ASCII was developed from telegraph code. Its first commercial use was as a seven-bit teleprinter code promoted by Bell data services. Work on the ASCII standard began in May 1961, with the first meeting of the American Standards Association’s X3.2 subcommittee.
The first edition of the standard was published in 1963, underwent a major revision during 1967, and experienced its most recent update during 1986.
Compared to earlier telegraph codes, the proposed Bell code and ASCII were both ordered for more convenient sorting (i.e., alphabetization) of lists, and added features for devices other than teleprinters.
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