MyCSULB is an online login portal for employees and students of California State University Long Beach. This portal was created to make the campus activities easier for both the college staff and the students.
How to Login to MyCSULB Student Center and How Does SSO CSULB Work? Know Complete Overview on Schedule of Classes, Financial Aid and CSULB okta Login – Registration with Sso.Csulb.Edu.
Having trouble accessing MyCSULB student center website and all of its services, or you want to contact the customer care to get help support service, and read reviews.
MyCSULB Student Portal
The MyCSULB Student Center provides a “home base” for accessing your student information. Once you have logged into your Single Sign-On portal using your Campus ID and Password, click on the “myCSULB” button to launch your Student Centre.
Your My CSULB Okta is organized into sections based on the type of information. The center displays summary information such as your class schedule, dues and contact information.
It has several options to choose from to access all the information and transactions available.
- This website gives you screenshots and instructions on how to navigate through your My Csulb Portal to retrieve the information you need from your student records.
- California State University, Long Beach (CSULB, Long Beach State, Cal State Long Beach, LBSU or The Beach) is a public university located in Long Beach, California, United States.
- It was founded in 1949 by California Governor Earl Warren. Its first name was Los Angeles-Orange County State College.

CSULB Student Login Center
BeachBoard is CSULB Stands for California State University Long Beach Learning Management System (LMS). D2L (Desire 2 Learn) is the company that develops and supports the BeachBoard system, a custom version of their “Brightspace” platform (keep this in mind if you use D2L’s support site).
The Academic Technology Service supports CSULB faculty and students to use the equipment and facilities available on board the Beaches.

Get complete detailed guide, follow easy steps:
- Go to the official website of SSO MyCSULB Edu, by clicking on this link.
- The homepage of the website will open in front of you. Here you have to click on the ‘Login‘ option in the top menu.
- Now the login page will open in front of you. Here you have to enter your username and password.
- After that, you have to click on the ‘Login‘ button given below.
- Enter your email ID or password, and Click on Submit Button. The login page screen appears on account dashboard.
MyCSULB SSO Login Guide
The MyCSULB Portal is an online interface for obtaining student and employee data and viewing benefits. With Csulb.Edu login for students, you will have the option to reach your student location through My CSULB Single Sign-On entry.
If you are a new user, then register online by visiting the registration form, after which you can Sign in to MyCSULB Account.

To join, fill the registration form correctly and submit it.
- Visit the MyCSULB Okta Login website. by clicking csulb.okta.com.
- From the drop-down list, click the “Lookup E-mail Address” option.
- Now, enter your ID and Date of Birth in MM/DD/YYYY format and click Next.
- Now, you will be asked some questions; Give them the correct answer to complete the process.
Want to learn more about Mycsulb.Edu okta Single Sign On, Here you will get to know the easy steps to Registration and Logging In Process with Step by Step Guide with MyCSULB account, how to recover password, and more.

CSULB Student Academic Benefit
Employee Career Benefits: Employees can view their agenda, college announcements, career opportunities. And also track their Time-Table, Tasks, Progress Report, Performance through CSULB Okta Portal.
The best things to do are access many future career opportunities and career-building programs for employees. CSULB also provides you with training to hone your skills.
- CSULB student can verify enrolment data and other enrolment plans and time and dates through this portal.
- Students can check their registration result, university classes schedule, send their assignments, updates.
- Check your Application Status in the enrolment waiting list and, Enroll through the MyCSULB Student Center App.
- You can also monitor their performance and request classes online.
- My CSULB portal helps you place loan orders for your textbooks available in the library.
- Student can get 2 weeks free pass and 1% discount on annual membership.
- Receive discounts on entertainment and financial insurance and credit union benefits.
- You can also visit Bellflower Boulevard Long Beach to purchase other enrolment services.
CSULB Schedule of classes 2022
CSULB looks forward to meeting with the entire campus community in 2022! In-person class offerings will increase significantly from 40% in fall 2021 to over 73% by spring 2022, while online and hybrid course offerings will also increase from 5% of classes to approximately 27%.
Registering for Spring 2022
Students are encouraged to review the schedule of classes to find a course schedule that best fits their academic needs.
Please note the following guidelines:
- Health and Safety
- Off-Campus Classes
- Changing from “Not on Campus“
Instructions Methods
Many classes will be returning to face-to-face instruction, with only some classes being offered entirely online. Therefore, most students should expect at least some face-to-face instruction.
CSULB classes may be listed on the schedule as one or more of the following formats are available.
- On-campus face-to-face: in-person class meetings on scheduled days and times on campus
- Off-campus face-to-face: In-person class meetings on scheduled days and times at a community site
- Hybrid with online synchronous: some face-to-face instruction and some synchronous online class meetings (scheduled days and times)
- Hybrid with asynchronous online: some face-to-face instructions and some asynchronous online components (no scheduled meeting times)
- Hyfle: Enrolled in face-to-face instruction, meeting on scheduled days and times
Quick Links Guides
- Degree Planner (PDF)
- Advising Appointment System – Beach Connect (PDF)
- Class Schedule Planner (PDF)
- CSU Fully Online (PDF)
- Typically Offered Courses (PDF)
- FERPA Information Release (PDF)
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