What is ICICI Learning Matrix
Overview: Learning Matrix aims to equip ICICI Group employees with requisite knowledge to perform in their roles. It consists of more than 220 e-learning modules offering well over 800 hours of learning content, covering a range of topics from products and processes to compliance and regulatory norms.

Having trouble accessing ICICI Learning Matrix services or any of its features? Do you want to get in touch with my ICICI Learning Matrix customer service team? If yes, then this article is useful for you. Here, we will read ICICI Learning Matrix reviews, latest news and much more.
ICICI Learning Matrix Login and Registration Page
Do you want to learn more about ICICI Learning Matrix? If yes, then the article is for you. Here you will get to know the easy steps to Registration and Logging In Process with Step by Step Guide with ICICI Learning Matrix account, how to recover password, and more.
- Login to Access Account
login your ICICI Learning Matrix Account is very easy, it is necessary for you to have an account of ICICI Learning Matrix, Know Where to ICICI Learning Matrix Login:
1. First of All Visit ICICI Learning Matrix Login page: click here
2. Login using your username and password. Login screen appears upon successful login.
3. If you still can’t access ICICI Learning Matrix Login then see Troublshooting options here. - New User Registration
Process of creating a new account on ICICI Learning Matrix is very easy, please follow the steps given below for registration. To get started with ICICI Learning Matrix, you need to create an account.
1. Go to ICICI Learning Matrix Login page via official link below.
2. Fill in all other details such as alternate email address, date of birth, and year in the appropriate field.
3. Hurry!! Your ICICI Learning Matrix account has been created successfully. - Forget Your Password
If you have forgotten or lost your Login Id, Password, Application ID and registered email id, please follow these steps. Do not worry, There is an option to Reset your ICICI Learning Matrix password:
1. Go to ICICI Learning Matrix password reset page via official link below.
2. Enter your email id, name, or username to Find ICICI Learning Matrix account, then click Search.
3. Check the email address connected to your account for a password reset email From the email, click Reset password and enter your new password.
Want to Change your Login Password? A password is mainly a security code set in our account, it happens very often that we forget our password. If you forgot your password, follow the following steps to forget the password.
Must Read:
- Ambetter Login
- Procore Login
- Dharani Login
Frequently Asked Questions
ICICI Bank was established by the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), an Indian financial institution, as a wholly owned subsidiary in 1994 in Vadodara. … The bank was founded as the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank, before it changed its name to ICICI Bank
ICICI Bank is a leading private sector bank in India. The Bank’s consolidated total assets stood at Rs. 14.76 trillion at September 30, 2020. ICICI Bank currently has a network of 5,288 branches and 15,158 ATMs across India.
If one has any queries related to credit card or saving accounts or internet banking, he / she can reach out to ICICI Bank customer care service, which is available 24/7
With over Rs30 Trillion assets under management, it is easily the largest Bank in the country and hence also the safest bank in India. It is more than 2.5 times bigger than the runner up i.e. ICICI Bank. Being a Government Bank, it is well regulated and is manned by well-trained staff.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has retained State Bank of India, ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank as domestic systemically important banks (D-SIBs) or banks that are considered as “too big to fail”. … “Based on the bucket in which a D-SIB is placed, an additional common equity requirement has to be applied to it,” the RBI said
Must Read:
- GEM Login
- RNFI Login
- KTU Login
Getting trouble with Login on ICICI Learning Matrix?
You are facing any issues related to this article, then feel free to leave me a comment as if I am helping everyone.
- Forget login password? please use the button “Forgot Password” to reset the ICICI Learning Matrix login details.
- Check if your username / email and password are spelled correctly.
- If nothing helps, send a message to customer service and ask for their help.
If there is a problem with logging on to ICICI Learning Matrix or creating a new account, please try to fix it by troushooting us.
Useful Links
Official Links | Overview |
learningmatrix2.icicibank.com | The Learning Matrix: ICICI Group |
www.learningmatrixatcampus.co.in | The Learning Matrix |
www.learningmatrixatcampus.co.in › e-Learning | The Learning Matrix |
in.elogin-db.com › icici-bank-learning-matrix | Icici Bank Learning Matrix Login |
www.detroit-metro-airport.com › icici-e-learning-matrix | icici e learning matrix – Detroit Metro Airport |
in.pinterest.com › pin | ICICI Group | The Learning Matrix | Matrix, Clock, Learning |
signinvault.com › icici-e-learning-matrix | Icici E Learning Matrix Login / Signin Vault |
www.hackguide4u.com › 2010/08 › indian-bank-icici-l… | Indian Bank ICICI Learning Matrix Website Is Hacked By … |
www.finextra.com › latest announcements | ICICI implements SumTotal e-learning platform – Finextra |